Oxhorn comb health method

Oxhorn comb health method

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Oxhorn comb health method

  1. Regarding the choice of ox horn comb, pay attention to the ox horn comb teeth should be thick, and the end should be rounded. The back of the horn comb is slightly curved.

  2. Gently comb the scalp, stimulate the head meridians and acupuncture points, can dredge the meridians, promote blood circulation, enhance the body's immunity, relieve fatigue, but also stop itching, and be more conducive to deep sleep. (It is appropriate to feel the scalp slightly warm each time).

  3. Women left in the month of migraine, with the back of the ox horn comb curved parts dipped in water, from the middle of the forehead to the sides of the lower end of the slight scraping, and then from the sides of the nose gently outward, slightly upward scraping, until the forehead and face feel hot. Every day, not only can make the skin white and tender, and will relieve the symptoms of headache.

  4. Usually work or travel, a little cold early head, neck acid, with the back of the horn comb curved parts dipped in water, along the upper end of the neck down (the position of the protruding bones below the depression is appropriate) gently scrape until the parts feel hot. It can relieve minor symptoms at the beginning of a cold. Note: cold and serious or weak resistance, weak people, it is recommended to go to the hospital.

  5. Usually because of work fatigue caused by the cervical spine, shoulder pain, and numbness, with the back of the horn comb curved parts dipped in water, along the upper end of the neck down (the position of the protruding bones below the depression is appropriate) gently scrape, as well as gently scrape the two shoulders (by the neck to the shoulders out of the direction of the scraping). It can play a role in relieving pain and unblocking meridians.

  6. In the hot summer, with the back of the ox horn comb curved parts dipped in water, gently scrape the back from the top down (to the spine on both sides of the side of the open 2 cm parts). Can effectively prevent heatstroke.

  7. With the back of the horn comb, the curved part dipped in water, scraping the soles of the feet every day (from the toes to the root of the feet to scrape the direction), both to relieve fatigue and prolong life.

Caution: Skin allergies, breakage, bleeding, and tumors are prohibited. Drink a cup of warm water after shaving. Scraping direction can not be wrong.

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